Wednesday, January 30, 2013

CurioBoy now on YouTube!

Big news everyone! CurioBoy has a fresh-out-of-the-oven YouTube channel! You guys can see what videos I recommend, Videos that I upload, and many, many more. You can go to to my channel by clicking the "Keep Calm And Be Curious" picture.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

More info about Slendoodle!!!

Hey guys! Since Slendoodle is dedicated all to Slender Man fan-art and fan-fictions, I need you to send me fan-fics and fan-art at Even after the sight is officially online, im still going to need you guys to send in stuff. So what are you waiting for? Get a pen and paper and marker and paper  and start doodlein' and writin'!


Friday, January 25, 2013

New blog!

Hey guys! I am opening a new blog called "Slendoodle". Its dedicated to just to Slender Man fan art and fan-fictions. More info soon...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sorry for not blogging lately!

Hey guys! I am sooooo sorry for not blogging lately. Alot of stuff  has been going on (And when I say alot o stuff, I mean playing minecraft and going on youtube)!!! Anyways, I hope you guys weren't...
without me blogging almost every day for the past month.
Sooo yea. Now im just sitting at the computer desk at only 7:05 AM, searching up "Forever Alone" O_o. Bye for now!
