Saturday, December 22, 2012

LEGO Koopa Car

Ok, so a few months ago, my freind created somthing called a Koopa Car, and what was my first vision of it? It was Mario Kart in real life BUT IT WASNT!!! It was kinda cool how it worked, or I mean how they worked. There we two types. The first type was just a bunch of gears put together a ceratin way to make wheels. The other way is the coolest because it "Koopas" (The origin of the name, as you can see) wich means instead of driving smoothly it bounces while it rides like in one of those old funny-looking Micky Mouse cartoons whenever he drives. Also it can never be knocked down onto its side, well just as long as you dont push it down. it sort of gets slanted then stays when it about half-way down.
What do you think of it?


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